There are children of different backgrounds affected by Tay-Sachs Disease and other lysosomal storage diseases. If you have a child with Tay-Sachs and would like a link to an organization in your country for children with storage or metabolic disorders, please contact us at mail@djhomepage.com
AUSTRALIA Lysosomal Diseases Australia (LDA) www.lda.org.au/main.html Lysosomal Diseases Australia (LDA) is a national umbrella organisation formed to represent the interests of people effected by lysosomal storage disorders including their families and carers, to maximise resources available for support services, treatment and research. LDA will work together with parent support groups built around specific disorders. It is recognised that these groups perform a vital function in helping patients and families come to terms with a new diagnosis, and with on-going, day-to-day management and support issues. Because of the individual rarity of these disorders, LDA will pursue issues generally beyond the scope of the family-based groups. |
CANADA National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases of Ontario Inc. (NTSAD Ont.) National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases of Ontario Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization, founded in 1988 by a group of people who shared a common tragedy. They were parents or supportive family members and friends of children who were afflicted with rare, fatal genetic diseases. The site also contains a document written by a parent that outlines some practical strategies for taking care of your child at home in the "Resources" section. Although the group is centered in southern Ontario, membership and enquires from all of Canada are very welcome. For more information contact NTSAD - Ontario by telephone at (905) 634-4101 or email at ntsad@sympatico.ca. |
ENGLAND / UK Children Living with Inherited Metabolic Diseases (CLIMB) www.climb.org.uk CLIMB is a national umbrella organisation working on behalf of children, young people and families in the United Kingdom affected by metabolic disease. They are working toward funding research, facilitating medical treatment, and educating professionals and others about these diseases. CLIMB also provides information, counselling and advice for families and professionals, as well as supports families through grants to help meet equipment and other costs incurred in the care of their children. For further information, parents and professionals can contact Children Living with Inherited Metabolic Diseases (CLIMB) through this telephone number: 0870 7700 326. |
FRANCE Association VAINCRE LES MALADIES LYSOSOMALES (VML) - en français www.provnet.fr/vml 9, place du 19 mars 1962 - Parc Affaires 2000 91035 EVRY CEDEX Téléphone : - Télécopie : |
NEW ZEALAND Lysosomal Diseases New Zealand (LDNZ) www.ldnz.org.nz LDNZ aims to improve contacts, information sharing and support among affected people and their families, within New Zealand and internationally; to advocate for accelerated research into the causes and treatment of Lysosomal Storage Diseases, and for improvements to the treatment and care of affected people. |
UNITED STATES National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases Association (NTSAD) www.ntsad.org NTSAD was founded in 1956 and is dedicated to the treatment and prevention of Tay-Sachs, Canavan, and related diseases. NTSAD aims to provide information and support services to individuals and families affected by these diseases, as well as to educate the public at large and support research initiatives. Contact NTSAD by telephone at 617-277-4463 or 1-800-90-NTSAD, or by email at NTSAD-Boston@worldnet.att.net. |